Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lost In Translation: congruency, rotations, reflections, and translations!

It has been a while since my last post! Things have been extremely busy. My kids just finished out Math MCAS testing, so we spent A LOT of time preparing for that. One topic we spent time on was congruency and symmetry. I have been trying to vamp up our math lessons with hands on activities. This is one I came up with for rotations, reflections, and translations.
This is my template that I made to show my class.
I made a few different shaped templates (star, heart, lighting bolt) and had the students each choose one. They then had to trace six of their shapes on one color of construction paper. Once those were cut out, they chose a second piece of construction paper (this was going to be their background). They then folded the second piece of construction paper into three sections. I had them label the first on "translation", the second one "reflection", and the third one "rotation". The students then took their shapes and glued three down the left side of the paper. The most important part about this step is making sure the shapes are all glued down the same way. Next, the students took the shapes they had left and had to figure out how to make a translation, reflection, and rotation. Once they showed me how their shape would look after each action, they glued them down (see image below).

The students really enjoyed this project and I think it helped them to understand the concept of these terms.


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